Building your Healy Business
The MyResonance Team have designed simple, yet powerful healy business building content to make your business building steps very easy to follow, easy to learn and easy to replicate for anyone.
Key Components to Building a Successful Healy Business
Free Healy Member Registration
Australian Business Number (ABN)
MyResonance Course Login
Free Step-by-Step Training Program
Take Action Every Week
Everything on this Website is designed to keep it simple and to provide you freely with the information and training required to fast-track your healy business. The only thing we cannot give you is the desire and determination to take action every week. If you do and follow our simple steps, you will succeed.
Healy Business Quick Links
Your Healy Business
Healy and you.
It’s the next big thing!
Disclaimer: Healy is a medical device for the treatment of pain and chronic pain, fibromyalgia, skeletal pain, and migraine, as well as for the supportive treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and related sleep disorders. All other applications of Healy are not recognized by conventional medicine due to a lack of evidence in the sense of conventional medicine.
What Do Experts Say About Healy?
Nutritional supplements have generated billions in sales over the past few years, but this was only just the beginning! Experts say that the next major future trend in body management is intelligent wearables that we use every day.
Anyone can use them! Anyone can join in!
Experience the Healy evolution all over the world.
The highly innovative Healy technology is now available to all of us. To you, To your friends, To your family!

Marcus Schmieke: Inventor, philosopher, researcher. Marcus is the driving force behind Healy technology.
Nuno Nina developed the highly acclaimed Gold Frequencies. He is running seven private clinics in Portugal and elsewhere.
Healy is more than just an idea. Healy is based on use by over 2,000 practitioners worldwide…who have seen as many as 500,000 patients.
Healy is a compact wearable device serving your health and your wellbeing.
You can put it in your pocket or attach it to your clothes. Controlling it is simple and easy using your mobile phone.
What Is The Future Of Healy?
The future is right now. You’re about to experience the next big business opportunity! We are talking about a lifestyle product that is about to change the world.
Join us now in building a worldwide business. Help us create a better world for all mankind while creating a better life for yourself!
Where will it happen? All over the world! When does it start? Right now!
Are you ready to join us? Ready to work with others? Ready to make money?
To experience joy, take responsibility, and manage change?